Now Available from Wisdom Press: END TIMES LIBRARY Series by Bob Chadwick
Compiler Bob Chadwick is a 91-year-old, retired United States Marine Corps Brigadier General and lawyer who believes everyone should know what the Hebraic/Christian Scriptures tell us about the future so they are prepared and can check the veracity of the biblical text against history and occurring events.
548 pages. $14.15 Order from or contact us.
The Day of the LORD is an important Biblical topic, yet we hear very little about it our churches and bible studies. Here, in one place, is your guide to understanding what every Christian should know as the LORD God Almighty, through his inspired WORD, alerts our world to what the future holds concerning the Day of the LORD, including: what is the Day of the LORD? who the Day of the LORD will affect; when does the Day of the LORD dawn? duration of the Day of the LORD; good news about the Day of the LORD; bad news about the Day of the LORD; Day of the LORD passages regarding Israel; together with a summary of end-times events;
118 pages. $5.75 Order from or contact us.
The LORD God Almighty tells us that his personal Name is YHVH and we are to remember and use that Name forever. Yet, the facts show conclusively that the translators of the modern English versions of the Holy Scriptures deliberately and systematically removed this Divine Name of the LORD God Almighty from the text of the Holy Scripture six thousand eight hundred twenty-eight (6,828) times.In this book we discover and explain how this happened.
121 pages. $6.49 Order from or contact us.
Does Israel have a future in God's plans? The inspired WORD of the LORD God Almighty tells you and me about the nation of Israel and alerts the world, in explicit detail, as to what the future holds. Here, in one place, are the facts you need to know about: the unique relationship between Israel & God; the unique role given to Israel by God; the WORD of the LORD God Almighty versus the word of mankind; unique right to its land given to Israel by God; unique protection provided to Israel by God; unique future that awaits Israel
178 pages. $7.47 Order from or contact us.
What the inspired WORD of the LORD God Almighty teaches us about the coming 1,000-year Kingdom of God, the Son, on Planet Earth.
186 pages. $7.75 Order from or contact us.